One size does not fit all...
When we image patients, radiation matters!
Making the correct diagnosis is the most important goal of medical imaging.
A radiologist is a physician who is an expert in interpreting images of the body obtained with x-ray, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT (computed tomography) or MRI equipment. Choosing the most appropriate imaging exam involves a collaborative decision between the radiologist and the referring healthcare provider based on the patient’s suspected illness and the imaging resources available at the health care facility.
Let's Image Gently® by:
- using MRI or ultrasound when it is more likely to reveal the correct diagnosis than an imaging test like CT, fluoroscopy, or radiography that exposes the patient to ionizing radiation
- when CT is the best way to make the correct diagnosis, using the lowest dose of radiation that will reliably produce diagnostic images
What is MRI?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MR or MRI) is a technique that uses a powerful magnet to look inside the body. MRI does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation. An MRI examination usually takes a relatively long time (30 to 90 minutes), and requires that the patient stay very still for nearly the entire time to get the best images. Therefore, young children or others who are unable to stay still for this period of time are sedated or receive general anesthesia so that the MRI examination can be performed. MRI reveals detailed anatomy of many parts of the body and is especially useful for imaging of the brain, spine, heart, abdominal solid organs, bowel, bones, joints, and muscles (figures).

Examples of MR images of the brain, abdomen, heart and foot.