Educational Modules - Image Gently: Enhancing Radiation Protection in Pediatric Fluoroscopy
This is a FREE and downloadable educational tool to provide radiologic technologists with a full understanding of the safe operation of fluoroscopic devices on pediatric patients to reduce radiation exposure and the knowledge to act as leaders in radiation protection for children. These instructional materials provide practice-based information and instructions that go well beyond that provided in the typical textbook, current literature or manufacturer training materials. In addition, the modules provide educational resources/references that may be used by secondary audiences such as radiology trainees, radiologists and medical imaging physicists.
Radiologists and Radiology Technologists, earn FREE CE credit - it is easy for a radiologic technologist to earn category A credit after successfully viewing all three of the modules and completing the quiz for these courses. To take the quiz that is for all three courses, click here to go to the courses in the ASRT Store and follow the checkout instructions to add the courses and quiz to your personal learning area for free. You will be able to print off a certificate of completion after successfully passing the quiz.
The following links are for the modules in a video format with narration and Close Captioning should you wish to view them.
For a PDF version of each module, click here: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Image Gently, Pause and Pulse: Practice of ALARA in Pediatric Fluoroscopy - PowerPoint Presentation for use by providers to teach their staff methods to reduce dose and maintain quality. Radiologists are encouraged to give this talk locally.
Radiation Protection Education in Fluoroscopy - CE Directed Learning by ASRT Essential Education
Fluoroscopy Attestation Instructions and Checklist

Receive an Image Gently attestation certificate to demonstrate your familiarity with educational material provided by Image Gently. Here's how:
- Choose one or more of the items from the list below.
- Read the article(s) or view the presentation(s).
- After completing an activity, return to this page and click here for your Image Gently attestation certificate.
- On the certificate, fill in:
- your name
- the date content was completed
- the title of the item you reviewed
- Attestations may be saved as a PDF or printed.
You can also get an Image Wisely Attestation Certificate here.
Fluoroscopy Materials List
Attestation certificates are available for the following items:
Procedure- and Patient-Specific Factors Affecting Radiation Exposure
Technical Principles for Interventional Procedures
Technical Principles for Cardiac Procedures
Tissue Attenuation of X-Rays
Managing High-Dose Fluoroscopically Guided Interventional Procedures
Using Control Charts to Monitor Radiation Metrics
Team Performance
Modern Fluoroscopy Imaging Systems
RSNA Dose Exhibits
Visualize Skin Dose and Air Dose in Virtual Reality
Real-Time Measurement of Patient Radiation Dose During Interventional Radiology
Special thanks to the Image Wisely team for their collaboration!
External Links